How to Answer the "Tell Me A Little About Yourself" Question

Even if you are a very prepared candidate when it comes to pageant interview, I see that a lot of girls trip over this question. Especially if you have practiced answering very pointed interview questions like "What is your favorite book?" and "Why should you win?", this question can seem very vague. The good news is that you are in control when it comes to this question- since it's somewhat vague, you can take it any direction you want. Here's my advice on how to handle this question.

Past, Present, Future

If you get stumped, here are three different ways you can answer this question: where you've been, where you are now, and where you're going. A judge is asking you this question to see what you find most important about yourself. Is it that working with horses at a young age inspired you to be a veterinarian? Is it that you are currently excited about a leadership role you hold in school or your community? Or is it how hard you are working towards your future career goal?

Tell Them Why You're There

What is it about pageants that brought you here? You can answer this question by giving a one-sentence introduction, such as "I'm a 21 year old college junior who is dedicated to spreading awareness about heart disease"and then talk about why you are getting involved in pageants. Is it to share education about your platform topic? Is it to challenge yourself? Is it to gain poise and self-confidence? Anytime that you can make a connection between who you are and why you should win is an opportunity you should take.

Tell Them Something They Might Not Ask About

Organizing your pageant paperwork is important, but that doesn't always mean a judge reads it. When I was competing in the Miss America organization, I wanted to talk about studying abroad for a year in my interviews. Barely any judge ever brought it up, so I used these kinds of questions to work that information in. If you have a unique fact or talent that isn't listed on your paperwork, bring it up when you are asked to talk a little about yourself.

Think About How Others Describe You

Asking your friends to describe you in three words is a good exercise for gaining knowledge about the kind of impression you give. If all your friends describe you as a "go-getter", for example, tell the judges! Sharing that others think positive things about you that can add to what you'll bring to the crown is a fun way to introduce yourself. Don't get stumped by this question! Use the tips above to get the judges interested and engaged so you can nail the pageant interview and capture the crown!